"Grounded in vulnerability, GOODY exposes the mandatory path set for the ones left behind.
An advocate for mental health and awareness, GOODY reminds us of the importance of communication before it's too late."

Goody is a SAVE* certified educational presentation about suicide, survivors guilt, and the aftermath that lasts a lifetime. At 20 years old, in 1999, Jonathan Goodstein took his own life while attending Arizona State University. Adapted from an off-broadway solo show, written by Jason Einaugler, Einaugler weaves in storytelling and videos to tell the tragedy of losing his best friend and learning to cope with it. He shares life saving techniques and self evaluation tools to stay safe and healthy.
*SAVE - Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Dr. Joy-Anne D’Anca
Oyster Bay - East Norwich
I am rarely left speechless during a presentation. Jason did just that. He hit every feelings, fact, and detail in driving the pre-cursor to suicide home. I am truly grateful to have experienced his amazing and passionate presentation. Thank you, Jason!
Sara Starijaus
Sacred Heart Academy
Jason was so knowledgeable. His presentation was so heart felt. His journey and story will undoubtedly help others. His dedication to the cause is commendable.